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Contact InfoPiek

Do you want to improve the work of your company by introducing software based on the latest technologies? We cordially invite you to contact us.
We are at your constant disposal. We will be happy to answer any question, suggestion.

Viking 2 sp. z o.o.

st. Gizów 6
01-249 Warsaw

st. Okrzei 2/U2
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki.

NIP: 5272950474


Ongoing software support, user questions: Mon to Fri, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Critical failures, inability to work: 7 days a week from 6:00 am to 24:00 pm

Please fill out the form provided next to it, fill out the form provided next to it, our service technicians will contact you as soon as possible.

I have a service contract

Application form


For companies without a signed service contract, the service department is available from Mon to Fri from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm.

Please fill out the form provided next to it, our service technicians will contact you within 24 hours.

I do not have a service contract

Application form


Useful information and frequently asked questions

  • Infopiek Sales and Production works with some of Poland’s largest privately owned bakeries.

  • Infopiek Mobile is a solution for mobile computers that streamlines the work of drivers and salesmen, giving owners real control over each operation at the point of creation.

  • The Integrated Management Support System was developed in collaboration with MSM, the producer of RAKS software, the market leader in F-K software for small and medium-sized enterprises.

  • Our largest client, after 2 years of work, has 1 million documents in the document database and 14.5 million items on documents.

  • By using the Infopiek System and wishing to work remotely, you do not need to cover any additional costs for communication software.

  • The largest installation of the Infopiek system comprises 72 workstations. These serve 4 production sites and 12 sales branches in one company.

Want to know more?

Just enter your e-mail address. This will let our consultant contact you and answer all your questions.

Feel free to contact us

Contact us

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 +48 22 652 60 10

Viking 2 sp. z o.o.
st. Gizów 6
01-249 Warsaw

st. Okrzei 2/U2
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

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