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Viking 2 Limited Liability Company.

About company

More than 25 years of experience

Our history

Firma Viking 2 Spółka z Ograniczoną Odpowiedzialnością działa w branży informatycznej od 1995 roku. Właściciel Adam Deptuła był głównym projektantem czołowych programów firmowych takich jak WF-FaKir firmy WA-PRO. Wspólnie z firmą TACT tworzył znany program dla piekarni WF-Precel.

System Infopiek został wykonany w nowoczesnej 32-bitowej technologii Microsoft Visual FoxPro. Może pracować na własnej bazie danych oraz na dowolnej bazie przy wykorzystaniu sterownika ODBC. Środowiska bazodanowe współpracujące z Infopiek: MSDE, MSSQL Server 2000, MSSQL Server 2005, Oracle 9, FireBird

We support the functioning of our clients

in all areas of their activity, by providing complete IT solutions tailored to their needs

We place great emphasis on long-term cooperation

a customer satisfied with the services we provide is our most valuable reference.

We offer solutions that meet real needs

from the selection of hardware, implementation of programmes to the provision of ICT and Internet connections. Our solutions are easy to use even for unskilled personnel and are characterised by very high speed of work for large amounts of data. In this area we are the leaders in Poland

Out offer is complete

successfully meets the needs of the bakery and confectionery industry for IT support for production, sales and service of own shops.

First-class software

Infopiek is a product of Moduł Adam Deptuła, developed in cooperation with TACT Jerzy Harasimowicz – on the basis of TACT programmes working in bakeries since 1991. Dedicated to bakeries and confectioneries, it works in small enterprises with 1 or 2 computers, as well as in installations consisting of 30 workstations, in locations scattered around the country. Infopiek is software for small, medium and large bakeries running in a Microsoft Windows environment.

Drawing on the experience of the Tact application, Infopiek is characterised by:

  • simple operation even using just a keyboard
  • very fast, stable and reliable performance,
  • extensive use of prompts and templates in the serial production of documents,
  • automation of the creation of summary documents
  • the application is based on a rapid data calculation system.

Infopiek was launched in 2003. Since then, we have successfully implemented it in many of Poland’s largest bakeries. It is also used by Polish bakers in England.

Infopiek was founded because we understand the industry.

It is successful in the market because we listen to our customers and make every effort to meet their expectations.

The application has more than 200 listing variants, more than 90 configuration settings, 20 user parameters.

We are constantly working on improving our applications, equipping them with new functionality.

The strengths of our software are:

  • its analytical capabilities
  • simplicity
  • freedom of reports and statements

Our applications provide the plant owner with precise knowledge in the commercial, production, financial and organisational areas.

What distinguishes us?

All our projects are carried out by a qualified team of people who are representatives of the manufacturer.

Years of experience have shown that implementing a system in an establishment such as a bakery or confectionery must involve a great deal of experience and knowledge. Our company policy changed and we stopped selling our software to intermediaries and carry out all projects ourselves, which eliminated the percentage of risk of a failed implementation. We have recognised that changes need to be responded to immediately.

Best regards, Infopiek team

Nasz zespół

Adam Deptuła - Lead developer and CEO

Adam Deptuła

Lead developer and CEO

Katarzyna Deptuła - software developer and board member

Katarzyna Deptuła

software developer and board member

Natalia Kaleta - Executive Assistant

Natalia Kaleta

Executive Assistant

Michał Brocławik - Service manager, IT specialist

Michał Brocławik

Service manager, IT specialist

Jarosław Brocławik - service technician

Jarosław Brocławik

service technician

Krzysztof Stolarczyk - Software developer

Krzysztof Stolarczyk

Software developer

Urszula Kosińska - Billing specialist

Urszula Kosińska

Billing specialist

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Contact us

Monday - Friday: 08:00 - 16:00 +48 22 652 60 10

Viking 2 sp. z o.o.
st. Gizów 6
01-249 Warsaw

st. Okrzei 2/U2
05-100 Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki

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